
Una colección de artículos para los buscadores de verdad - Buscando la joya preciosa en medio de la basura.

Esta pagina es nueva. Se agregará mas material pronto.


El mundo está lleno de basura! Los medios de comunicación (corriente y alternativo) estan llenos, el Internet está lleno, FB está lleno. No quiero decir que de vez en cuando no haya algunas cosas buenas, aunque pocas.

Me gusta leer. Me gusta aprender. Y quiero la verdad, nada menos.

De vez en cuando leo algo profundo, algo diferente, fuera de las normas, fuera de lo aceptado, que quiero almacenar en mi mente, compartir con los demás, lo que sea, archivarlo, preservarlo para las generaciones futuras ...

Este material aunque sea "irrelevante" al tema de estas paginas sobre Ecuador y Loja será almacenado aquí bajo el titulo "irrelevantisimo"...

La mayoria de este material esta escrito en Ingles. Para traduccir al idioma Español por favor utilce el boton de idiomas (boton rojo arriba)
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Andre Vltchek - Stop Millions of Western Immigrants! Andre Vltchek - Stop Millions of Western Immigrants!

A fine essay on a very timely subject. And Andre Vltchek hits the nail on the head. Something to read and re-read and digest and think about for all of us expats living here in this beautiful country of Ecuador. Why are we here exactly? And what do we bring to the country (as opposed to what we take from the country)?

Gaither Stewart sums it up well in his comment below in which he even mentions Ecuador explicitly:

"I think Americans head the list of those millions of westerners living abroad, especially in the so-called Third World. A number of newsletters circulate concerning the cheap life in Ecuador or Cambodgia or in other such places: cheap housing and servants, good food, where either your pension suffices to be able to live like a Pasha, or, for the very rich, enormous tax privileges, in countries Westerners have no intention of amalgamating i or even adapting to and instead they form expat clubs, perpetuate their own foreign life style and claim they saving poor and ex-colonila economies from their own folly of poverty. But the recent several hundred thousand “migrants”, that is, refugees from western inspired war and the poverty of western exploitation in Africa and Asia who after riskig their lives to arrive want to integrate in Europe are received as simple laborers (without whom industries in Germany, north Italy etc could not survive) and are destined to remain forever second or third class residents."
