
Una colección de artículos para los buscadores de verdad - Buscando la joya preciosa en medio de la basura.

Esta pagina es nueva. Se agregará mas material pronto.


El mundo está lleno de basura! Los medios de comunicación (corriente y alternativo) estan llenos, el Internet está lleno, FB está lleno. No quiero decir que de vez en cuando no haya algunas cosas buenas, aunque pocas.

Me gusta leer. Me gusta aprender. Y quiero la verdad, nada menos.

De vez en cuando leo algo profundo, algo diferente, fuera de las normas, fuera de lo aceptado, que quiero almacenar en mi mente, compartir con los demás, lo que sea, archivarlo, preservarlo para las generaciones futuras ...

Este material aunque sea "irrelevante" al tema de estas paginas sobre Ecuador y Loja será almacenado aquí bajo el titulo "irrelevantisimo"...

La mayoria de este material esta escrito en Ingles. Para traduccir al idioma Español por favor utilce el boton de idiomas (boton rojo arriba)
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Dmitry Orlov - You are not in control Dmitry Orlov - You are not in control

A VERY thought provoking essay by Dmitry Orlov. Do we really really need that car? I ditched mine years ago and I don't really miss it. Granted I have a small motorbike, far less thirsty on that "useless byproduct of petroleum distillation called gasoline". Living in Ecuador sure helps as millions of people here rely on the public transport system which is generally speaking EXCELLENT and not to be compared with whatever it is that they call public transport in the "developed" world. Dmitry Orlov makes a compelling case against the car. Not sure all of it is 100% the way he says but nevertheless this is a MUST READ.

"Specifically, what seems to be generally missing is an understanding that the technosphere doesn’t just control technology; it controls our minds as well. The technosphere doesn’t just prevent us from choosing technologies that we think may be appropriate and rejecting the ones that aren’t. It controls our tastes, making us prefer things that it prefers for its own reasons. It also controls our values, aligning them with its own. And it controls our bodies, causing us to treat ourselves as if we were mechanisms rather than symbiotic communities of living cells (human and otherwise)" Dmtry Orlov
